The seven deadly sins, a contemporary view: These are acts against God
that will damn the soul of anyone who is misguided enough to commit
such atrocities.
1) Lust, carnal want of all things perverse. Pictured here as a man
peering through a keyhole at a sinful act.
2) Gluttony, an overindulgence of anything. Depicted here as a
Super-Size me love of all convenience foods.
3) Greed, an unhealthy accumulation of material wealth. It's all about
the Benjamin's Baby.
4) Sloth, laziness, and despair. We represent this sin with an
emotional teenager, too lazy to bring herself out of despair, most
Americans receive their happiness in a pill.
5) Wrath, as in anger and retribution. A terrible sin sometimes leading
to murder, "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit."
6) Envy, the little green monster. A longing and desire for the
possessions or status of others.
7) Pride, baneful self obsession. Do we know any blonde hollywood types
that fit this description?