I was in Laguna That Premium movie show .
With an eclectic cast consisting of Reef McIntosh, Dede Suryana, Brian Conley, Dave Rastovich and Chris Del Moro, perfectly huge Indonesian surf, groovy soundtrack, and narrated by legendary oddball Tom Morey (I thought he went by the symbol “Y” ala the artist formerly known as Prince?) Lost Prophets-Search For The Collective looks like a good little surf flick. Check the synopsis below…
Lost Prophets-search for the collective is an adventure documentary that follows nine surfers in different aspects of life; from a renegade canyon dweller to devout West Javanese Muslim the film delves into different aspects of surfing; all the while centered around the Indonesia surf escape.
Some people live life asleep, only dreaming their awake. Amongst the unstoppable trend of surf globalization there are certain individuals who have found a way of waking up. Lost Prophets the film portrays a vivid picture of lives intertwined by adventure, balance, dedication and connection; bridging generations. Travel the world with the lost prophets as their stories unfold during some of the best Indian Ocean waves documented in the past decade.
For more info go to www.lostprophetsthefilm.com